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  • #3303

    I’ve had a WONDERFUL time

    To all the wonderful people on this site (Yes and you)

    When I lay me down to die
    Celebrate please don’t cry
    Send me home on a high
    For I’ve had a wonderful time

    For scholars I have admiration
    So I enjoyed my education
    Gained many qualification
    Yes I’ve had a wonderful time

    Electrical engineer City Guild’s
    Child care officer ,horrific chills
    Security controller with a few thrills
    How I’ve had a wonderful time

    Red Cross nurse with devotion
    I.T. skills without promotion
    F.A. Coach my latest motion
    Oh I’ve had a wonderful time

    I played many sports ,my best I have done
    I’ve studied , all arts and enjoyed every one
    I’ve performed as Elvis gee that was fun
    Yes I’ve had a wonderful time

    I’ve traveled around,seen many places
    Met lots of people and remember their faces
    Mixed with people of all races
    And I’ve had a wonderful time

    My Children have given me no strife
    My Grandchildren enhanced my life
    And together with my sweet adorable Wife
    I’ve had a wonderful time

    So when the time has come to part
    Rock and roll me for a start
    To each one I leave my heart
    For I’ve had a wonderful time

    by William A Edge


    You got my sick note then?



    Gets Owen to flick William’s lugs and twang Poshy’s bra strap whilst capturing it all on video :lol:

    Ahhhh halcyon days 8)


    “Here Sir” said James (a likeable lad ,but inclined to be used by others)

    Yeah they ALL just use me the barstards. Glad someone spotted it.


    is this Mary ikkle ole ME…… ohhh how ur slightly wrong… rite aboot the Fitba..(but kiss cuddle torture more my game wayoot the kiss! lol). fae fairie kisses though ( freckles) sold fags at the toilets, 10p a single fag n match lol long walk to the shops lol plus i never made roll call lol always sumthing better to do… lol

    *AbitofMary notices Obs swingin on his chair…. and kicks the feet away* :-

    “Here Sir” said Mary ( a sweet little freckled faced girl ,who liked to play football with the boys)


    “Here Sir” said Polly ( a bespectacled girl ,known as Poshy to some ,Pushy to others ,rather a I know it all type)

    :shock: Now thats just not on, if u start on our resident Alley Cat you’re gonna be in big trouble mister :evil:


    I’m Confessing How About You

    The persecuted smoker

    Yes I’m a smoker,it’s my only pleasure
    It helps me relax, when I’m at my leisure
    Iron’s out my stress, stimulates my brain
    I’m afraid it’s an habit,from which I can’t refrain
    At your moaning, I have to protest
    There’s lot’s of habit’s, I detest
    The couch potato, who eats the wrong food
    Usualy obesse and awfully crude
    The heavy drinker, who gets out of control
    Loud and agressive with mouth so foul
    The motorist who cares for no other
    Including thier self or even thier Mother
    The hypochondriac relying on medicine or pill
    Not realizing they make thier selves ill
    The heavy spender who build up such debt’s
    Giving them selve’s unnecessary stress
    When I have a smoke , I’m calm and polite
    Consider others and smoke out of sight
    One thing I’m sure of,just for a start
    When it comes to the liver ,stomach or heart
    I would have to light up again and again
    To do as much damage as a fast food chain
    Then smoke forty cigarettes a day
    To do as much damage as four pints may
    Then into my mouth twenty cigarettes cram
    To do as much damage as a car in a jam
    Also make smoking a complete dedication
    To do as much damage as excess medication
    Then do all these things together I guess
    To be as unhealthy as someone under stress
    So stop your complaining and leave me alone
    Forget my problem consider your own

    by William A Edge


    Removed cos pointless now


    You are a lackey….lackey in the humour stakes sirry irriot :lol:

    Here was me looking forward to term 3. :(

    William you’re an @rse :twisted: :lol:


    Modest Man

    Olde English

    Would’st thee with me a while bide
    For I would have thee as my bride
    Tis a boon thou should not miss
    How can my charm wench thee resist
    For I am from an higher breed
    My family crest doth bare good steed
    Thou should’st get down on knee and say
    Thank you sir for thy kindness this day
    As thee adorn my slumber sheet
    I will allow thee to kiss my feet
    How say thee wench ,doth thee refuse
    Doth thou my good self to amuse
    I pray the lord , how can this be
    For I am modest to degree
    How can this wench refuse my hand
    Pray help me lord to understand

    by William A Edge

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