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25 February, 2006 at 3:02 am #3057
I was walkin the dog in the park about 8.00 this evening, as I always do. Saw the usual underage teenage drinkers hangin out there, boys and girls, swiggin Buckie, smokin hash, and just generally doing what they always do, puking, swearing, and smashin the odd empty bottle which always pisses me off cos of the dangers to dogs and kids who might get cut on broken glass. Anyways, as I’m completing one round of the park ( I usually do twice or three times round ) I pass another group of them, 6 lads aged around 13 to 16, but there’s a girl among them. She’s totally wrecked, feckin legless, and 2 of the lads are holding her up, walkin her to the bench, where they sat her down. I double back cos my dog is sniffin at somethin and hangin back, this gives me a chance to look closer at this young bunch. The girl is unconscious. The lads seem to know her, and seem to be concerned about her, so I carry on walking, and leave the park.
I get in the car, but instead of going straight home, I call in at the local nick and report that I think the girl may be at risk, not just cos she’s young ( about 15 or 16 at most ) and drunk, but because there’s no other girls with her, just these 6 lads, and she’s incapable, therefore vulnerable.
The cop on the desk took my details, and assured me they’d get a car to go check it out and see if she was okay.
What would any of you have done?
I couldn’t take the girl home, she was totally out of it. I could hardly start questioning the lads, but even if I did, it’s not likely they’d have told me her address or telephone number, even if they knew it. They’d probably not want her getting into trouble with her parents if they were mates of hers. How the hell could I get her to my car anyway, it was a quarter mile away, and she couldn’t walk. What if I did manage that somehow, how would I explain things to her family taking her home llike that? Would they be gratefull? Would they care? Or tell me to f..k off? It does happen. If I was driving the girl home and she suddenly woke up, she might have freaked out finding herself with a stranger in a car. Would anyone risk that?
I just think it’s sad that thesedays any guy has to think about all this c r a p when all they want to do is ensure that a drunken young girl is not taken advantage of. FFS! She might even have been left on the bench and died of hypothermia, cos it’s freezing cold up here in Glasgow.
Should I have done more? Could I have done more? If the girl had any girlfriends with her, I wouldn’t have worried so much, in fact, I wouldn’t have bothered reporting it to the Police, but c’mon? 6 young lads with 1 drunken ( maybe also on drugs ) young girl? There was a case up here this very week of 2 young girls about 14 being sexually assaulted on a bit of waste ground by a gang of older boys about 16.
I’m gonna ring the cops now, to enquire if they did anything, or can tell me anything, cos I’ll think about this all night if I don’t.
25 February, 2006 at 3:06 am #199715You did as much as you could do Peco. The boys/youths might have felt
insulted had you tried to help.25 February, 2006 at 3:23 am #199716Well, rang the cops, they tell me they sent a car, and their guys couldn’t find the kids, even though they even searched the whole area, inside and outside the park. I’m not too sure what to make of that, cos if they’d searched the whole park they’d have come across the bigger crowd I passed at the other end of the park, about 30 guys ‘n’ gals who were all pissed-up on Buckie.
25 February, 2006 at 3:28 am #199717You couldn’t have taken her in your car – you would have got yourself in trouble.
I think you did the right thing in the circumstances. A LOT of people would have just kept walking.
I would have stayed at the park, phoned the police and kept watch to make sure she was ok. I never trust the police to turn up within a decent amount of time – it could have been ages before they could get there, wouldn’t surprise me that they had all moved on by then.
You did say the boys seemed concerned about her – hold on to that thought.
25 February, 2006 at 11:07 am #199718I agree Squeezy, but I forgot my mobile phone. If I’d had it with me, I’d have used it, but I’d have to have rang the cops well away from the kids as a lot of the teenagers that hang out there know me by sight now. If any of them got arrested, they’d be watching out for me next time I came by.
25 February, 2006 at 11:56 am #199719Peco, u did all u could do, don’t think of if’s and buts… u did more that want many would do…. so big hand to u m8.
its hard these days, this happened awhile ago, we were all goin for a chinese, the kids as well, parked the car, in the town centre lots of people about. Gettin out the car and this young female, who was about 16/17 drunk as, and high as a kyte openin Mr Wolfies door and sayin ring the police he’s goin to do me…. this guy appeared we’re still half in car and out with the 3 girls, this guy screamin i’ll f uken kill ya slag… i like Mr W. shut the f uken door… n drive away…. now my fear was our kids, drive round the corner and ring the police, this female wouldnt let the car door go, and the guy tryin to grab her… what a nitemare, as if it was only me n the wolf.. i’d prob stepped in differently…. lucky there was police there in minutes but felt like hours… as it was all caught on CCTV…
i have visions of Mr W… who was tryin to help, get stab or set about… plus the kids their to witness….
when we did finally get for the meal… the whole restaurant knew what happened as it was the topic of convo with oor 3 loud girls voices….
sad when u wish to help, but can’t because of a general fear… very sad days.
25 February, 2006 at 12:02 pm #199720Yeah mary. I agree it is sad.
That incident of yours must have been real scary. Being a good Samaritan carries dangers. I’d have done what you did too in that situation.
25 February, 2006 at 12:15 pm #199721Pec’s it caused more of an argument l8er on with me and Mr Wolfie lol..
its was just the fact the kids were there…. but they have long forgotten about it… it did go in their newsbooks at school lol… made us all laff when written in a childs eyes…
25 February, 2006 at 12:27 pm #199722you done all that you could! it is very sad when a man that genually wants to help can’t for the fear of being accused of all kinds of sh*t, but that is the way the country is going ! :(
25 February, 2006 at 1:09 pm #199723i say you did the right thing, walking to the pub myself last night, i walked past at least 2 or three young girls who had a bit too much to drink/smoke, crying over somthing, but they all had females friends to comfort them, so i knew in a sense they should be alright, the problem in my town is that there is nothing for these young people to do, all they have at night is to hang about the park, or down in town, we have no social club.. no pool club, nothing of the such
if i had a daughter, i would be asking more questions, and trying my best to improve the state of my town.
i think if you offered to take this girl home, you could have found yourself reported to the police, if you approchaed the lads and they started on you, you would have had to defend yourself, and also then reported to the police
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