Go up to the person and ask for their hand. Draw a line across it and explain that its a really big river, and the bunny on this side (doesn’t matter) really needs to get to the other side. Ask how he does it. Give cute little answers as to why the bunny can’t cross the river (ie…bunny jump in river, bunny go *glubglubglub*.) When the person finally asks how the bunny is supposed to get across, give them the cute puppy eyes and say “I don’t know, I just wanted to hold your hand.” :D :D
Many people will walk in and out of your life. But only lovers will leave a footprint on your heart. And you my dear have left one great leap on mine! :D :D
Many people will walk in and out of your life. But only lovers will leave a footprint on your heart. And you my dear have left one great leap on mine! :D :D