Let us all get this correct…
I am a firm believer that the United Kingdom is stronger
for being United of that there is no doubt for the better of
Scotland the Brave and the United Kingdom overall.
This was not a divide for Scotland between England to go
their own way it was a call for a proud Country to want
independance in its own right.
The fact and reality is the population and electorate voted
to stay within the United Kingdom and to stay strong and
to be part of the long standing and powerful force the UK
has become over many hundreds of years and to stay strong
and to become evermore forceful in ever more challenging times.
Together the way is forward , we in the UK have seen off many
foes , been through many truly testing and times and together
the UK has shown true strength and integrity to stand tall and
be be a land of hope and glory.
Together we shall over come , together we will be strong
together is the way forward.
This because of Scotland will hopefully open up new powers ,
new opportunities and most of all new horizons that many
people and communities can grasp , hold onto and nuture
into a more equal and forward looking UK.
I embrace the no vote and hope it will bring a new dawn
for all the U K.