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    Soooo many to mention really, but my mother had a fixation with Brass hangings, every two weeks me and my brother would have to sit around the dining table with a bottle of BRASSO and one of us would rub it on and the other would then wipe it off, took FOOOOOOOOOKIN hours it did, God sundays were boring in those days, no shops open, P*ss all on telly, always raining, She’d give us a clip around the ear as well if it wasn’t up to scratch, I have a deep hatred now of all things brass, it fact cant be doing with nik-naks of any sort, you know the sort little tiny mantlepiece figurines that your nan probaly has hundreds of.


    looking back, can’t think of anything i was asked to do by my mum or dad, every sunday, me and my brother has to do the washing up, does that count?


    Used to and always will hate washing up. But my husband does it as i cook every meal he cleans up after so im happy to not do it. I dont mind ashing up a few cups plates but after meals i hate it :evil:


    @soulie wrote:

    looking back, can’t think of anything i was asked to do by my mum or dad, every sunday, me and my brother has to do the washing up, does that count?

    Only every Sunday??? You were spoiled!! :shock: :lol:

    I hated the washing up, my sister and I had to do it every night – and with a family of 6, there was loads to do. :evil:



    i was the eldest of 7, an i had the dishes to do, i fooookin hated doin em


    7 ? good lordy Dawny :lol: Im the oldest of three..two much younger brothers…My mom was going to nursing school at night when i was around 14 …i hated having to watch my brothers…help with homework and getting them baths, etc…


    my mam and dad worked alot when we were little and being the oldest with 2 little brothers i had to do loads. i hated it at the time but fully understand now.
    the 3 of us were left lists every morning, mine was always stuff like wash the dishes, hoover, iron a certain number of things, maybe go to the shop, etc etc.
    my 2 brothers would have things like put your pj’s in the washing basket or hang up the towels in bathroom :?
    i was always livid but having a boy myself i realise you cant ask them to do anything coz they dont do it properly :lol:


    @robyn wrote:

    7 ? good lordy Dawny :lol: Im the oldest of three..two much younger brothers…My mom was going to nursing school at night when i was around 14 …i hated having to watch my brothers…help with homework and getting them baths, etc…

    wasnt only dishes tho, mum worked an dad had the local bar to prop up everyday, i had to look after the younger kids, do the washing, stop the kids fightin, ironin, stop me bruvvers tryin to kill each other, hoovering, stop tracey pullin the head of ginas doll, dustin, stop christine tryin to kill tracey cos of the doll, get the tea started for mum to finish, sort the kids out for bed, u get the picture, and in between all these chores i had school too :evil: plus my mum had another baby when i was 14, an yup was my job to look after her too, not that i minded that part cos i love me baby sister :D


    Having to pull my granny’s tits out of the mangle everytime she did the washing and got careless.


    @scamp wrote:

    Having to pull my granny’s tits out of the mangle everytime she did the washing and got careless.


    They are deadly those mangles, should be banned they should, I won’t say anymore but you know those flat sausages you can buy frozen at Iceland :oops:

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