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    this morning as i was at work, i was roaming the warehouse looking for a pallet that we have lost, when i heard this russle coming from behind a stack of empty pallets, first i thought it as a rat

    so not being afraid of rats (roland rat was my hero) i investigated, then i heard a meow

    and there it was, a little cute, scared lost kitten, so i gently picked him up, brought him inside, where everyone fell in love with him

    i wanted to take him home, but i knew my mum would’nt be too impressed, so susan our accounts lady, took the little cutie of my hands, and took him home, via the vets to give the little one a check out, make sure hes fine

    he looked fine, probably about 6 weeks old, looked a bit scared, was quiet, not like you expect a kitten to be, a bit scared, but by the end of the day he had settled in his little box, and was fast asleep as susan took him home

    heres a picture


    aww Soulie he’s lovely :D


    :wink: :wink:




    not got a name yet, gonna leave that for susan to decide, i’m rubbish with names

    probably would have called it oscar myself


    How do ya actually know the kitten was lost and it hasnt got a home already? :?


    Maybe ya’ll have swiped some’1s beloved pet. :lol:


    i work on an industury estate, in the middle of nowhere, the cat was shivering and scared, if it has got a home, its done very well to get all that way to where i work, for a little kitten

    i am sure if somone reports a missing cat, it will be returned, but for now, i was’nt about to leave it, thinking, it might belong to somone


    giz some of ur drugs tommy they seam to be working a treat :lol:



    Awwwwww Soulie, how sweet ………… :wink:

    A real feel good story for a change, well done Soulie, hey maybe you could call him Pallet lol.

    & lolol @ Tom :lol: :lol:

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