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  • #17005

    In recent weeks or from when ive had a peek in F2 again from a break ive noticed how quiet it has become! This is normal i thinks and give it a few weeks or even a month and the room will get busy again with some old regs, newbies etc so fear not you scrollers, divs and walnuts your place is safe as its just a time where peeps do there own stuff! what a load of doo doo where is everybody? lol (its true lo as it does have its quiet month or 2)


    I think its quiet because its probably the hardest room for new people to be accepted in.when your new and enter a room it can be daunting to see that everyone seems to know each other and are reluctant to accept anyone else in to their gang. :D


    @a certain sadness wrote:

    I think its quiet because its probably the hardest room for new people to be accepted in.when your new and enter a room it can be daunting to see that everyone seems to know each other and are reluctant to accept anyone else in to their gang. :D

    I think forum3 is far harder!

    I’ve used forum2 for years and its true that it seems to be getting quieter and quieter these days. I think its simply a fact that alot of decent regs who used to go in simply don’t anymore for one reason or another!


    ok, when i first ever used Just chat i went into F1 and paniced. it was like an orgy room! its pretty much still the same most evenings. I have stuck my beak into f3 once in a while but the only people that say hi are old f2 users… The thing i love and all regular users of F2 love is the fact that we do welcome new people unless they come in to cause trouble. I have often welcomed a newbee with the greeting, welcome to the nut house please leave your straight jacket at the door. :)


    It took two years for the guys in the local boozer to say hello to me. F2 has that feel…………


    I disagree, I think f2 is quite friendly. Like Hugs said as long as they aren’t abusing trolls then I’ll usually say hello to the new chatters. F1 and F3 can be quite hard to get into unless you know a few regulars. Liven up f2!


    Just saying that it can take a while……..not quite two years but certainly several visits……


    @mucky1234 wrote:

    Just saying that it can take a while……..not quite two years but certainly several visits……

    I think a big problem is, is that people are wary of new chatters being fakes. I know I’m a little wary but If i’m there and paying attention, I will say hello. Maybe you came in whilst I was busy pondering about the many issues of today. :)


    Ha Ha…..fair enough and it is my fave room generally. Whiles away the working day anyways.


    Hard worker aint ya, Mucks :)

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