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    Should i do this? no i dont think so. Are you sure? ive done it again. talking to myself.If you have then read on.


    Should I reply? I don’t know…he didn’t ask for replies, he said to read on. If I do will they think me mad? Do I care? Oh what the hell, I will!


    Should I lurk ? and await the soliloquy with a sense of dread ?? My bowels turn to Ice as I imagine bad,sad news, As oft the way of soliloquy’s ? .

    or shall I come out, and post.

    NO ! I shall say nothing like cowards before me and cowards yet to be born. ;)


    Should I wave a fond farewell? Or weep and say I’ll miss you? One thing is for sure, the threads will return to the bland and mundane same old same old…if I let it…perhaps I won’t let it.

    But then again…perhaps I’ll just go and make a cup of tea and ponder on life’s journeys.


    Should all endings be happy? Shall i liken Myself to the hob Nob jen is about to dip in her tea ? At times wet and soggy,missing the vital crunch.But the promise of a day, drying out on Life’s Windowsill shall have me , back to my crunchiest..

    Or shall I ignore all this and mind my own Business ?

    then a question asked is a question answered. As all good questions are.

    Au Revoir always says it soo much better.



    To be or not to be….that is the question :D


    @mrs_teapot wrote:

    To be or not to be….that is the question :D

    OI Hamlet this is a serious post for serious people get thee back to Denmark .. :)


    but who asked the question? Was it me? I don’t recall…it may have been in a less lucid moment. A blonde moment maybe, or should I start calling them senior moments. NO, I flatly refuse to call them senior moments as long as there is blonde in my hair.

    Now…where are those hobnobs…maybe I ate them…or maybe that Rubes did…or maybe…

    Wait! What’s this? Oh crumbs….I sat on them!


    lol Jen :D :D :D

    Romeo, Romeo… where for art thou Romeo!

    (I know he heard her from the bushes…. but she didnt know that)


    @jen_jen wrote:

    but who asked the question? Was it me? I don’t recall…it may have been in a less lucid moment. A blonde moment maybe, or should I start calling them senior moments. NO, I flatly refuse to call them senior moments as long as there is blonde in my hair.

    Now…where are those hobnobs…maybe I ate them…or maybe that Rubes did…or maybe…

    Wait! What’s this? Oh crumbs….I sat on them!

    WELL thats just NOT cricket.. Ruin my Big Dramatic moment of morphing into a Hob Nob, why dont you !. There i was doing my breathing exercises too.

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