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  • #16284

    Camel blue entered the chat room – everyone seemed happy – Had Camel done such a bad job?

    Camel sat down and watched the room – some will never find happiness always have a reason to complain but the fighting had calmed down … most were united and the rest Rosepetal had gagged.

    Cat lady 1606 deserves a mention before Camel leaves …………… Goodbye and respect Coathanger the floor is now back in your capable hands :twisted:


    Can’t help feeling it all ended too soon but thank you for showing that it is possible to write a parody without being snide. :D =D>


    Thank you Jen-Jen and to all the others who have shown great support – you have all been good sports and I hear Rosepetal didn’t gag one person last night :shock: :lol:


    Whilst i enjoyed reading it … i actually think it was, compared to Coathangers, very snide- unless i have the wrong definition of snide.

    However , it made good reading , to the point i could actually picture it all in my mind. So yes , in that respect – well done Camel :)


    1. Also snidey [ˈsnaɪdɪ] (of a remark, etc.) maliciously derogatory; supercilious
    2. counterfeit; sham

    Guess it’s all in how you read it *shrugs*


    If I had known the people involved it would have been funnier for me. I still thought it was funny though, and not in the least bit nasty. I hope you continue in some form camel, would be a shame not to share your gift with words :D


    Ok Ladies – once again thank you and I have decided to come out of retirement … However, next one will take a little longer because it was supposed to be pure comedy and a peace offering to the room …Some days we need to laugh at ourselves.

    So I will continue with the saga and try really hard not to be snide xxxxxxxxxx

    I have to say though Annette – when you stuck your needle in Crystalle’s bottom I did howl with laughter :twisted:


    @camel_blue wrote:

    Ok Ladies – once again thank you and I have decided to come out of retirement … However, next one will take a little longer because it was supposed to be pure comedy and a peace offering to the room …Some days we need to laugh at ourselves.

    So I will continue with the saga and try really hard not to be snide xxxx

    I have to say though Annette – when you stuck your needle in Crystalle’s bottom I did howl with laughter :twisted:

    Not as much as i did about the 7657 pieces of paper , and stamp kit !! :lol: :lol:


    Ps. I do wish you wouldnt keep putting that horrible face on the end of each post .. it makes me nervous 8-[


    wd,camel,excellent : =D> =D> =D>

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