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  • #15930

    Someone has only gone and left a poinsettia on my doorstep! Can’t be anyone who knows me cos they’d know I am death to any plant except orchids which seem to thrive on my neglect – I’ve even killed a so-called indestructable spider plant before now!

    Anyway, this here poinsettia is looking sorry for itself after only a few days of my loving care, its leaves are wilting and it’s threatening to up and die on me before I’ve even found out who was daft enough to leave it there for me. Anyone out there with green fingers who can give me some tips on reviving this poor plant?

    Ta muchly!


    So funny Jen, I have a problem with poinsettias too, mine wont die! Truly I just ignore them and they thrive, come the end of February I get fed up and chuck them out. A drop of water every week or when I remember that’s it! Pals are always envious of them!

    So my advice is just ignore it!

    Teapot :?


    @mrs_teapot wrote:

    So my advice is just ignore it!

    That’s what I usually do with plants, but I’ve been “caring” for this one…guess that’s where I’m going wrong! :lol:

    I shall ignore it forthwith and see what happens.


    They don’t like the cold! So if it was on your doorstep it was already doomed!


    @melody wrote:

    They don’t like the cold! So if it was on your doorstep it was already doomed!

    Phew, so just for once it might not be my fault that a plant dies! :lol:
    Although….since I started ignoring it, it’s started putting out new leaves…just as well otherwise it would just be a twig now… :?


    You’re not alone Jen …. i have had several over the years , and never managed to keep one alive .

    But then , i am useless with all house plants ….. i do have a spider plant that my son gave me back last year , and so far , so good .. although they do say , spider plants are the easiest to keep :oops:


    I was once given a spider plant and told it was impossible to kill…. :-

    Orchids seem to love me though for some reason :?


    I don’t like flowers or plants and I think they know this that’s why they all die on me. I don’t have flowers in my house and all my close family know not to buy me them.
    I did a few years back buy a little cactus thingy, one of my customers said they live forever, don’t need any looking after hardly, so I thought I will see what happens.

    Guess what? It died within a couple of months of me having it. :lol:

    Everyone that comes to our house always says its so hot. Maybe that’s it.


    eeeek!!!…………i hate Poinstettias


    The poinsettia is now officially a dead twig. Meantime my orchids are going from strength to strength, thriving on my neglect! :D

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