Boards Index General discussion Getting serious 30 Things That Men Annoyingly Assume About Us Women

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  • #14752

    Inspired by WooHoo’s Post “53 Secrets About Women” (even though most were incorrect)

    Men annoyingly assume …
    1.That you want an egg white omelette, not a regular yokey delicious one, because you must be on a diet. #-o
    2.That you can’t parallel park. 8) Yes I can
    3.That you’re in a bad mood because you must be getting your period *Yes because moody is totally Inhumane! :roll:
    4.That you don’t like manly alcohols like beer and whiskey.
    5.That you know nothing about sports. *many will prove you wrong
    6.That you can’t operate a power drill.:roll:
    7.That you own 10 million pairs of shoes. :-#
    8.That because you’re a single female, you want a relationship and you obviously want it with them.:roll:
    9.That you’re a fan of Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, and Julia Roberts’ movies :lol:
    10.That you have an opinion on Edward versus Jacob -Who?
    11.That you have strong feelings about anniversaries and Valentine’s Day *nope just another excuse to “test” you.
    12.That you want kids. Hell, that you even like kids
    13.That you’re obsessed with having a wedding
    14.That you’re already in love with them or that you fell in love with them first.:roll:
    15.That you think you’re too fat :o
    16.That you want Diet Coke, light cream cheese, and your dressing on the side
    17.That you’re angry about something because you’re “bitter” #-o
    18.That you always need time to put on make up or do your hair before you leave the house. :-k
    19.That you don’t know anything about putting together Ikea furniture :D *That’s a mans job but end up correcting you by actually reading the instruction booklet.
    20.That you don’t know how to cook a steak properly. :lol:
    21.That you can’t have sex without feelings involved
    22.That the magazine you want them to bring home for you to read when you are sick in bed is US Weekly.:?
    23.That you hate scary movies.
    24.That you’re not into watching porn.
    25.That you are magically equipped with the powers of cooking and cleaning and have been since birth :shock:
    26.That you know how to sew buttons. :?
    27.That you like “Grey’s Anatomy” ew
    28.That your pubic hair will always be meticulously groomed.:shock:
    29.That you can’t appreciate a flat screen TV, comprehensive stereo system, and other “complex” electronic devices.
    30. That you won’t want to watch the latest sci-fi, action, or horror movie :roll:


    you forgot to mention the belive we actually need them :)


    Karen !!!! is that you babe loool :lol:

    I think you been mixin with wrong men Cherriepie, where hav you been all my life.. :D :wink:


    hiding ?


    I think you been mixin with wrong men Cherriepie, where hav you been all my life.. :D :wink:

    Wifey Boot Camp

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