Have been here for a good few years now and knowing its the ten year anniversary it got me thinking of chatters past. I bet everyone remembers some of the very first chatters they came across in here. My mentor was liz47, she gave me some good advice, was very calm and helped me out with the lingo. Havent seen her for ages and ages.
I remember people like Bunny, pinks (who licked everyone), Mala of course who was a legend and typed at the speed of sound, rubyred, pats, sunny, kateee we used to have some deep and meaningful convo’s after the quizzes and ended up in fits. Kateee’s sex quiz was the best ever, the room was flying as the more sedate of us tried to come last! I could say who won but to save their embarassment I wont!
I often wonder about loads of chatters and sometimes they seem to pop up out of the blue, just like dezbolton did the other night!