Friends have come and friends have gone, but the memories linger on,
I’ve met so many over the years, laughter frowning sadness tears,
We build up friendships chums n mates some even go as far as dates,
People come together far and wide some for a chat some to hide,
We all have our reasons for being here boredom loneliness escape and cheer,
Some have fun some fall out some just come to preen and pout,
Whichever of these you may be, we all have one thing in common it’s plain too see … we’re all mad.
I spend my time in forum two getting to know most of you, there’s mad fooka always on form, evil wizard conjuring a storm. There’s Seren and Echo who are both so sweet, and Paul Langlands after girls’ feet, You have my stapler being a plank and mellow who can never be frank. Sarah and Peggy with the sharpest of wit, and often a clone being a t1t. The Master and Melody as bright as can be too many to name frankly!
AKA: Chat Guide HT