Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat Happy New Year and Happy New Decade!

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  • #14207

    Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a Happy New Decade!

    It doesn’t seem like 10 years ago that I was the project manager of the Y2K project for a major financial institution, and my New Year was going to be spent in the office because despite all our efforts of the preceding 2 years the big bosses (who were all spending New Year in sunnier climes of course) didn’t have the confidence that things wouldn’t fall over in a heap. Well come midnight we all sat there and guess what? The electricity didn’t cut out, the phones didn’t stop working, all our computer systems kept running (so the world was saved and everyone could still splash the cash on their credit cards!), there was no anarchy and rioting in the streets….well what a damp squib that was!

    10 years later and there have been so many changes in the world and it seems a completely different place. On a personal level my life has changed radically. Now the talk is of 2012 and the end of the world is nigh…I guess the doom and gloom merchants always have to have something to harp on about! :lol:

    Anyway, enough waffle from me, just to say

    to all the nice people and even to the not so nice people, and may 2010 bring you peace, joy, good health and abundance.

    And yes for those who have asked….the smartie WILL return in 2010! :lol:


    Happy New Year everyone.

    Love Rose



    Happy new year everyone.


    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    May the New Year bring you all the happiness you deserve.


    Everyday appears the same but when you look back everything has changed.

    Here’s wishing you all a new year of health wealth and happiness.

    Thanks to those of you during 2009 that have been here in the twilight hours keeping me and my insomnia company, those that helped keep me sane during those long weeks recovering from surgery, those that have made me laugh, those that have become good friends and not just in JC. And especially someone who’s door is never closed and always knows just what to say at just the right time, unselfishly being a good friend despite her own tirals and tribulations.

    Have a very happy new year, and those venturing out to celebrate . . stay safe !


    ……. and if you can’t stay safe, please get pissed and fall under a bus. Remember, all those nice nursies who have to work this evening need something to do with their time.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    ……. and if you can’t stay safe, please get pissed and fall under a bus. Remember, all those nice nursies who have to work this evening need something to do with their time.

    such a ray of sunshine :lol:



    Wishing each one here a Happy New Year. I wish for each of you that our new year will come with good health, continued friendships and loves, enough money to provide for those things we need and making time for those we love. Do not let one day go by without telling the one you love, that you do love them.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    ……. and if you can’t stay safe, please get pissed and fall under a bus. Remember, all those nice nursies who have to work this evening need something to do with their time.

    Are you trying to promote the NHS? … :lol:

    I never knew they advertised.. ‘Come To Hospital, It’s Great’ .. For more info, get into a fight, break a bone, and then ring 999.. What have you got to lose?..
    Apart from your dignity!

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