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  • #14017

    OK serious question coming up so serious answers please, cos I need your help!

    A friend of mine is in serious financial difficulties that she’s slowly working her way out of. I can’t help her out with cash and even if I could she wouldn’t take it, but from time to time I buy her a large bag of fresh fruit and veg as I know that’s something she can’t afford right now and really misses. But…

    Christmas is coming. She has 2 children, a boy aged 3 and a girl aged 7, and there’s very little money for presents for them. I’d like to put together a Christmas stocking for them but I have absolutely no idea what kids of that age today are into!

    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated…thanks!


    What a lovely thought jen. :)

    Well old faithfuls, everyone likes in there Christmas stockings,

    Chocolate money Dvd’s Annuals

    Socks Candy canes.

    Bubble bath Colouring books

    The girl will probably love hair bits , sparkly lip glosses etc , gel pens that sort of thing.

    The boy Matchbox cars, ELC do tubes of toy dinosaurs, monsters etc. whooopee cushion.

    There’s a few pointers for you. :wink: :)


    kill to birds with one stone , get the girl something in a big box and give the boy the box , he,ll be happy as larry lol


    can you take them out with you on some pretense round say Toys R Us see what they react to ?


    think sarah got it spot on with girl


    @tictax wrote:

    think sarah got it spot on with girl

    Years of practise, oh & I used to be one many moons ago! :lol: :wink:

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