I thought number one was hilarious :lol: :lol:
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Home News Columnists Brian Reade
And so to the big 5 questions of the week By Brian Reade 17/09/2009
(1) Anger over Serena Williams threatening to ram her balls down a tennis judge’s throat? Isn’t the time to panic when Caster Semenya issues that threat to an athletics judge?
(2) With pregnancy a notorious time for men to stray, is Coleen Rooney worried that Vera Lynn and Susan Boyle are the two hottest babes on the celeb circuit?
(3) The freeing of the Iraqi who threw his shoes at George Bush. How come Adidas and Nike aren’t in a bidding war to get his name on trainers?
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(4) Men who walk around beaches with metal-detectors trying to find lost change. Should we be allowed to break into their houses and go down the back of their settees to get back what’s ours?
(5) Outrage over Cherie Blair spending £250,000 on antiques for her new mansion? Shouldn’t we applaud her for finally handing over money for someone else’s cast-offs?
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