So we’ve all read about those nasty Russians cutting off the gas supply to the Ukraine and to the EU. (Why even the Daily Mail has something about it somewhere).
So who is telling the truth then??? (Apart from the Daily Mail that is, ‘cos they never tell the truth).
Have the wicked thieving Ukranians been witholding payment for gas from the nasty Russians – and forced the flow of gas to be cut off?
Have those thieving Ukranians really been syphoning off the gas intended for the EU market without paying for it???
Are the nasty Russians simply cheating the thieving Ukranians by putting up the price of their gas unfairly???
One thing is for sure, the EU isn’t getting the gas it needs and the poor old Germans are in a right state about it. Adolf and Grunhilde can’t cook their Bratwurst and that will never do.
So who is stealing from whom?? (Or maybe those thieving Liverpudlians have been at it again – it’s bad enough nicking the lead from Church roofs, but nicking the EU’s gas supply …….!!!!!)