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  • #1147017

    Aargh silly title i mean im only available on boards from now on
    No more chat from now on
    Heres how i feel
    No more hyes and byes no more bs no more lies
    On the plus side if you want to chitter chatter nitter natter to me on boards pm etc i be there to try listen help
    No time wasters
    Terms and conditions apply to any trolls.


    Lol now that was funny cosy.So does that count u out no lies no trolls no bs?


    Oh ffs do you not realise im aiming it at you you thick tw@t youre the one whos driving ppl away from here you boring bastard youve no mates in here apart from belle ive spoken to her more than you.
    So fck you fck your weather fck your brother fck your lawn mowers fck your jones channel and fck you

    Oh and fck your lols ppl are only nice to you in here cos they are more politer than me and doa
    You wouldnt have lasted 5 mins on pats chat.

    Ps dont bother replying to me you dense stump or i will humiliate you.

    Pps fuck off.


    Oh ffs do you not realise im aiming it at you you thick tw@t youre the one whos driving ppl away from here you boring bastard youve no mates in here apart from belle ive spoken to her more than you.
    So fck you fck your weather fck your brother fck your lawn mowers fck your jones channel and fck you

    Oh and fck your lols ppl are only nice to you in here cos they are more politer than me and doa
    You wouldnt have lasted 5 mins on pats chat.

    Ps dont bother replying to me you dense stump or i will humiliate you.

    Pps fuck off.

    Aargh silly title i mean im only available on boards from now on

    No more chat from now on

    Heres how i feel

    No more hyes and byes no more bs no more lies

    On the plus side if you want to chitter chatter nitter natter to me on boards pm etc i be there to try listen help

    No time wasters

    Terms and conditions apply to any trolls.




    Cosy ever thought ppl dont come hear cause your vulgar reply and your constant bs I thought u going to leave jc do us a favor and do just that take your vulgar comments stick them where sun dont shine. Sooner you leave cosy sooner jc be better off it will be.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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