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  • #1127989

    well… i was replacing a lightbulb today… found a moth neatly tucked inside its crevices (attention to detail… yes, it was an energy saving 11W E27 ES CFL, warm white 2700K U3) – it flew into the light, managed to mummify itself in the process… i held something autumn-esque in my hand… a moth did a kamakazi dive in into a light bulb… surely there are better ways to die… like from watching paint dry…

    bonkers escapade… ooh! ‘attention to detail’… hopes for seeing London on a Friday night: in transit… expectations akin to: not helen miren doing catherine the great… bonker escapade me? dive-in… imagine it otherwise… a moth did a kamakazi dive in into a light bulb… dive-in… and certainly light-bulb, if not lightbulb… how else to punctuate? so belittling attentions to detail can keep a person this insane, enough to, profoundly agree to a life, dictated by an inarticulate harangue mob of ‘circumstance’… pomp & circumstance… for every sense & sensibility.

    xy&z? haiku? can’t we just be, somehow, fiddly? terse… what a noble sounding word, brevity, high airs and pomp: as if playing to a courtesy… o.k. o.k.: wittgenstein and tautology… can we arrive at being able to just entertain ourselves with… standing stark-naked: un-inhibited? it’s not so much a ‘problem’ as… why writing a haiku is un-natural for ‘some people’? i can’t stomach facing the labyrinth either, but at least there’s a purpose for ‘something’ invoking conversational-overtones… perhaps i just have… ‘too much time to spare’… bre-vi-ty… it’s a nice sounding word… but it doesn’t, somehow, make me shut-up on the otherwise jittery necessity of my follow-up reply… god… i hope i don’t come across as procrastinating pedantry: i like the mask of… exfoliating verbiage… esp. in a medium that doesn’t require me to speak these words, rather, write them.


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