Edit your start up keys to remove all programs that are set to run at start up that you dont need.
start>run> type ‘msconfig’ click on the ‘start up’ tab and untick all the boxes for which programs you are sure you dont want to run at system start up. Try and untick as many as possible, the less programs that are set to run at boot, the quicker the systems boot time will become.
Also disable these.
Disable search network computers for scheduled tasks.
Disable search network for shared resources.
Disable error reporting.
Disable IE from checking for updates [optional but recommended].
If you have an intel chipset enable UDMA66 support.
Make sure your BIOS is configured to boot from the HDD first.
Enable the quick boot feature in your systems BIOS or disable it if your systems BIOS has the memory check utility.
Defragment your boot files.
Defragment the registry.
Also you can try disabling your paging file but beware this works for some systems and others it dont. My system has 1024 of physical RAM and my system boots 0.5 seconds quicker with the paging file disabled.
A majority of these tasks can be performed by downloading tune-up utilities 2004 from here http://www.tune-up.com
There are loads of hacks for improving pre and post logon boot times, use Google to search for them. Remeber MS XP alone needs 256 mb to boot efficiently, so if you have say something like 128 mb of RAM your systems boot time is going to be limited by your RAM.