Hate me all you like MrQ, however I can assure you that I NEVER like a post because of who has written it and quite frankly I don’t give a stuff who likes or dislikes mine ! Those who do actually know me will also know this to be true. You do not know me, you have no idea what type of person I am, what I like, what I dislike , etc etc, and that’s fine, but as you don’t have an inkling what I am like as a person, what I look like, how old I am, etc etc your opinion just doesn’t count Can you understand that ? You can make up as many insults and descriptions of me as you like, they mean nothing as YOU JUST DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME !!
So you crack on, say what you like, call me what you like, imagine what you like, it’s all irrelevant to me, YOU are irrelevant to me !!