Boards Index General discussion Getting serious MERRY RAMADAN !!!!!

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  • #11075

    Well guys, just returned from the weekly jaunt around the local Asda. I managed to dodge the Kamakazee trolley pushers , screaming kids & make it safely to the checkout in one piece, :lol: but find myself in a state of total amazement at my latest find. :shock:

    Whilst trolling up & down the aisles I spied in the distance what I thought was a display of Advent calandars! I exclaimed to my companion I don’t believe it (yes in my best Meldrew voice). :roll: On closer inspection of the display was amazed to discover they were in fact countdown to Ramadan calandars (complete with the little choccies hidden behind the windows)!!!!! :shock:

    Now before anyone accuses me of anything remotely racist I am all in favour of the multicultural society we live in – many of my friends come from different cultures my children go to a school that includes & celebrates all faiths.

    but ………………..

    What is the chances of a Christian being able to purchase an Advent calandar in a muslim country??

    Has society really gone mad or….. is it just me???? :lol:

    I am genuinely interested in the comments from other users. :D


    Probably no chance but doesnt that just make us a “better” country ?


    @pete wrote:

    Probably no chance but doesnt that just make us a “better” country ?

    no it means we’re soft to the point of being sychophantic ffs.

    Anyway I’m going to start my own religion soon.
    Anybody is welcome to join and I will be contacting the local council (maybe think about becoming a councillor..) with regard to building a temple for my religious freaks/followers to worship in.


    Why shouldnt we sell whatever we want dont suppose Asda gives a shit it’s just cash in the tills for them


    @pete wrote:

    Why shouldnt we sell whatever we want dont suppose Asda gives a shit it’s just cash in the tills for them

    muslims managed well enough before asda stuck their fucking noses in.
    It’s all about political correctness as well as profiteering. :roll:
    Tesco and asda will no doubt be having a muslim-fest-war in the near future and Morrisons will be changing their signs to say muslims are more welcome in their stores than they are in asda. blah di fucking blah :twisted:


    Supply and demand simple economics


    Why wouldn’t you be able to buy an Advent calendar in a Muslim country?


    @pikey wrote:

    Why wouldn’t you be able to buy an Advent calendar in a Muslim country?

    I dunno

    But before you tell me the punch line… you got any papers?


    Plenty, ta.

    I hear this sort of thing all the time, though. People are always saying, ‘Well, what if I wanted to build a church in their country? Eh? Eh? They wouldn’t like like that, would they? Eh? Eh?’ and so on.

    Yet some of the most vibrant Christian traditions and some of the most famous churches in the world are in Muslim nations. It’s all very puzzling.


    Ive got a brilliant puzzle in my loft, you’d love it.

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