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  • #11058

    oh my gawd…. just had a “stand in the street” row with my next door neighbour!

    Okay… tis the summer hols and the boys (aged 14 and 11) are out front messing around with friends. Nothing untowards or anything, just boys being boys. A mixture of ages ranging from 9 upwards are outside and we all know where they are and they are safe and happy.

    Next door neighbour has two daughters who live like the flowers in the attic…. never allowed out until evening and even then it is an hour in the back garden. Mum is on the dole getting everything paid for (she is a self confessed immigrant from south Africa). Her hubby left her cos of her religious rants and general wierdoisms…. get the picture so far????

    So… the boys have this remote control thingy that flies about, they are playing with it outside when it loses control, lands on her car roof and down the front windscreen, causing no damage watsoever…

    Next thing I hear all this crazy shouting and I hear my youngest shout “stop swearing,, there are 9 year olds about” so I go out and tell her if there is a problem with the kids to come and see ME and not to shout and swear at children on the street… then she goes absolutely barmy mental at me!!

    “They are destroying my property and you are doing nothing!” she says…. well…. I told her she was a mentalist and Ive heard her rants and seen her with her nose pressed at the window waiting for some sort of conflict 24/7… then I reminded her that its not a great example to stand swearing in the street at children and what was she to expect if she got abuse back?!

    Then… the money shot…. I told her if her car was not parked illegally with NO tax and NO insurance it would not have happened in the first place….. quality!

    I said I would speak to her when she has developed some people skills and if she abused my children again I would call the police both about the abuse and the illegally parked car.

    Then, I came in and closed the door.

    Had about 4 fags to try to stop shaking…. I cant do rows!

    All the neighbours thought it was funny, and all the kids are like…. your the man dude!

    flippin eck….. warra nutter (not me of course)!

    Roll on September………. I wanna go back to work!!!!!


    Oh Gawd Shazz..That made me chuckle! Bless It is horrible when You have a crumpy
    neighbour! SHUD OF AD ME THEIR!! Id of sorted her for ya..miserable swine!! :twisted:

    GIMMIE HER PHONE NUMBER!!! :twisted: :wink:


    Im not keen on conflict myself, leaves me all shaky too :) But that one was probably coming for a while now. Especially with it being the hols. some folks just dont want to see kids playing, Id understand if they were an unruly mob. But she lost the fight as soon as she swore at kids.
    You acted perfectly well sharon, and got your point over. she will regret bragging to you now her “illegal” status :) hopefully this is the last of it. Nothing worse though than having bad vibes with the neighbours.


    Well she has managed to upset practically everybody on the row apart from me in the two years we have lived here. The kids have said a few times she has approached them before and Ive not seen it so Ive not said anything, that wouldnt be fair and it is just not in me to do stand up conflict.

    The other neighbours are not so laid back and there have been many rows Ive witnessed from hiding indoors out of harms way!

    We live on the edge of a pretty tough estate where the most ambition most of the teens is how many asbo’s they are going to get, but on our row, we are mostly working class families with kids who we respect and they all mix well together,and if anybody has any problems we go to each other rather than direct to the kids…. that doesnt teach them anything.

    That was her mistake, if she had came to me I would have dealt with it, but she went over my head in swearing at my kids and other people’s kids.

    Her girls are still locked indoors and its roasting here…..


    She will prob beat her kids because of you :lol: she aint a white south african is she, i hate those feckers. Mind you a typical essex girl brawling in the street. Did you have your fighting heels on with matching denim bare knuckle skirt :wink:


    You probably wont hear no more…It sounds like you gave her, her answer..Good for you!
    She`s probably sh*ting herself now..cos of her car! Good, maybe she`l think twice in
    future before she opens her gob!


    She is still stewing over it, we are sitting in the garden and can hear her ranting indoors lol!

    Im rather proud of the way I handled things with no swearing, and just hitting her with hard facts rather than screaming like an old fishwife.

    A few years ago things would have been very different. Last row I had with a neighbour (who was a LOT bigger than me) she ended up with a black eye and I ended up in court and very nearly lost my job, and I swore then I would NEVER let myself be made to feel that angry again.


    oh i love a good row….last bird who came to my door gobbing off lost a tooth. :oops: 8)
    an a neighbour lower down thort she was well hard till her mouthy mate nxt door moved lol….then she shut up. till the day my littleun was avin a mud bomb fight wif his mates……i was avin probs wiv the puter and losin my temper…kel houted.mum… an so wants ya……so i stormed out into the yard an sed this better be good cos i aint in the fookin mood…….ur brat she sed……..(was the brat bit annoyed me)…… thrown a mud bomb into my hallway…… i sed sweetly….shut ya fookin door then.and slammed my door in her fat face. :D


    lmao pats “shut your door then” :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @pats wrote:

    oh i love a good row….last bird who came to my door gobbing off lost a tooth. :oops: 8)
    an a neighbour lower down thort she was well hard till her mouthy mate nxt door moved lol….then she shut up. till the day my littleun was avin a mud bomb fight wif his mates……i was avin probs wiv the puter and losin my temper…kel houted.mum… an so wants ya……so i stormed out into the yard an sed this better be good cos i aint in the fookin mood…….ur brat she sed……..(was the brat bit annoyed me)…… thrown a mud bomb into my hallway…… i sed sweetly….shut ya fookin door then.and slammed my door in her fat face. :D

    :lol: @ the lost tooth

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