Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › At the end of the day…….
23 August, 2018 at 8:32 pm #1102678
At the end of the day…life is all about reflecting and learning….making each new day a better one….some like to carry on the same old…but that isn’t really learning or reflecting in my opinion….
The Show must go on as the saying goes….
23 August, 2018 at 10:57 pm #1102684Q, are you totally unable to see just how
is that saying, like all your wise sayings?
There’s no other word to describe it – it’s not boring, it’s just banal.
Compare with the sayings of someone who’s really thought about life. Isak Dinesen (real name, Karen Blixen, who was given syphilis as a special treat by her husband) – once said that we can never imagine what is actually happening before we do something, or when we are doing it, or later when we try to construct the story of what it is that we really did. The actual event escapes us, like an opiate dream in which we try to make sense of what cannot be made into sense.
Now compare that – the product of a mind trying to understand the mystery of life – with your banal words.
Where her words make us stop and think, yours just stops us from thinking.
The truly banal.
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23 August, 2018 at 11:00 pm #1102685Apologies in advance to the person who will think once again that I am a pompous twit for saying that.
I really am not pompous.
23 August, 2018 at 11:52 pm #1102688I do not think that post was pompous in the least. Q, I maybe will call him ‘low I’ seems to think he is being profound in making cheesy statements that my great Grandma came out with, although to give her credit she made a lot more sense and put them in context. Does he think lobbing out Christmas cracker proverbs we’ve all heard for years makes him smart? that or he thinks we don’t interact in normal society ! it’s baffling it truly is …. I really cant be bothered anymore. He claims true facts that, are in fact, a figment of his very odd imagination, and spouts complete and utter useless boring shyte that nobody can be arsed replying to, that’s if they even read it. I think most people are at the stage of not even reading the banal ( good word) meaningless bleugh that he constantly vomits ….
4 July, 2019 at 1:12 pm #1116532PML……LMAO RATF give my regards to orson……too funny
4 July, 2019 at 1:18 pm #1116535Are you obsessed with orson? On every thread, response. Orson=cosy..
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