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  • #1092805


    Hello ******. Sorry to bother you after all this time.

    I wanted to send a message to *****. I no longer have her email and can’t find her on Farcebook.

    Please tell her, Molly passed recently and I want ***** to know what a cracking little dog she was. Proud and independent and fiercely loyal, as is the breed. Not once was Molly aggressive with another dog as an adult and on more than one occasion came to my aid in the dodgy area I live. Molly was adored round here and loved by all for her placid, playful nature unless of course she was protecting her domain, our house and she gave me some of the best years of my life and I hope, I gave her the same in return, she was in no pain and died peacefully.

    But for ***** and you if you like, Molly would never have happened. So thank her from me, and you, from the bottom of my heart.




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