Ive logged on and there are a pretty decent amount of topics ticked to read.
Shame Im to pissed to read them, and all the ticks will be gone before the morn. I think all topics should remain unread till you cluck on them… dont you… on busy nites?
So… I ask all of you my friends…………. please fill me in wiv gossip that I need to know, who flung what flan where and what teacher did best in the poetry competition.
Im not sayin I wont post again…. thats just stuuuuupid! but incase I dont
thankyoupleaseyourwelcomefromshazzashumbleabode 8) 8) :lol:
them smileys took a lorra effort getting the mouse on the right ones… really wanna angry one to show that but gant be bothererd to tyoe… type, I meant x