Opportunity Knocks
Oh the insincerity of truth
Looking all around but never any proof
Before you go to bed you check all the locks
But you know opportunity hardly ever knocks
Watching the condensation on the windows and doors
Wiping it off never getting applause
Dancing round your kitchen singing as you do
But no ones ever interested in you
Postman comes and never deliverers
There is no award for being lifes givers
Strutting and wobbling and dancing about
Wanting love but always going without
And then when a spark is there and excitement exists
You just back off frightened out of your wits
Opportunity knocks just once or twice and never more than that
But you just back off and drink and get fat
Oh what are you missing oh what could it be?
Just more agonising pain for me?
It knocks the door but im a groover and dancer
Im not sure I have the strength to even answer
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