Who remembers this classic from Shakespeare’s Sister? Awesome track. My cassette recorder gave up the ghost listening to the album this came from as i kept rewinding to hear this track.
Hey King! The singer is none other than Sioban Fahey from Banarama who teamed up with trained classical singer Marcella Detroit. I think she was married to Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics at the time. Remember Smash Hits – the pop magazine? I used to read it all the way through the eighties…it was full of useless facts like that. LOL Sinnead O’connor singing the Prince written…Nothing Compares To You. Main singer in video was Marcella Detroit….The Devil woman what comes up later is the one from Bananarama.
That’s yer and Sceppers problem Jamie…….your like sceppers…your more interested in what every one else is doing at the time. Thats what i mean when i say it is a great piece of music….i stil love it today for what it is not what every one else thought or was doing….