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  • #10688

    Before I depart to moisturise, scrub the old gnashers, pace the bedroom floor a few times to ponder the day, fluff my pillow, turn on the nightlight :oops: , have a wa.. ahem.. wash… 8-[ … let me ask ..
    Do you have any bedtime rituals?



    ooops forgot about saying my prayers [-o<

    Now I lay me down to sleep…


    yeah i get in bed thats about it really unless undressing is a ritual :?


    @pete wrote:

    yeah i get in bed thats about it really unless undressing is a ritual :?

    It is for me :lol:


    I usually go for a piss.


    I shall take my jeans off throw em on the floor and get in bed .. it’s not much of a ritual eh :shock:


    @pete wrote:

    I shall take my jeans off throw em on the floor and get in bed .. it’s not much of a ritual eh :shock:

    OMG like you don’t dab down and cream up???



    in a word ……. no


    turn the tellys off, lock up, turn lights off, get dogs bed, take it in our room (quietly)
    get in bed, dream horrendous dreams, get awoken at 6.30 by eldest (has a phobia about being late for ANYTHING), freak out a bit, get up and here we go another day!

    Thats week days.

    Cant share weekend ones. :wink:


    @pete wrote:

    in a word ……. no


    Dirty bitch!


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