Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat PEBBLES AND HER SILLY GANG

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  • #10621

    born for goodness sake lololol , i luff ya to bits born but give it this feud up wiv pebbles lol yer both as bad as each other lolol Very Happy ((((((born))))))))

    cath 55

    Please can I be number 2 ?


    I quite liked that first one, would be an ace siggy

    Forget Me Not


    nooooooooo forget me not dunt use that siggy tuts its orrible….. not the work you done on it pete lol the actual piccy lol xx

    cath 55


    Nice to know you do something else with your spare time apart from beating your meagre wit against others


    if its so cra.p doa, why did you attempt to resurrect a locked thread??

    you little shi.t stirrer :wink: :P


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    if its so cra.p doa, why did you attempt to resurrect a locked thread??

    you little shi.t stirrer :wink: :P

    well it seems to have worked the thread is unlocked again, has there been some major editing on it and how much is membership please :lol: :lol:



    Ohhhhh my I have been handed a picture of Pebbles Gang!!


    Pebbles has a gang?

    LMFAO!! :lol:

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 13 total)

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