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  • #10486

    a little girl :D

    had my 20week scan today and i’m having a perfect little baby girl :D

    saw her heart beating, her likle arms, legs and even her bottom :D


    Im so pleased for you Kenty xxx


    congrats kenty. chuffed to bits fa u xxxxxxx :lol: =D>


    thanks ladies :D

    i’ve been really wanting a girl but boys generally run more in both mine and sam’s family so i couldn’t be more pleased.

    is your daughter going to find out the sex dawny?


    congrats kenty xx


    congrats kenty..Bless the 3 of you. x


    She wants to Kenty, James dont, but read the PM I sent you, she may have no option


    congrats Kenty, Im made up for you x


    congratulations kenty xxxxx


    Congrats Kenty!! :D :D

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 24 total)

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