you want help tips and guidance then you came to the right place.
these are the jabloneys of this site:
king of mice
oh god i will be here all day.
here are my friends:
here are the most popular people in the chat rooms
1stplace chatroom 1: mizzy
1st place chatroom 2: it was me, until suz stole all my chatroom2 friends from me. ive never been back. they can have her.
1st place chatroom 3: laney scot. shes like the popular kid in your class.
gets all the attention .
now i just wander the boards. and reply like this. but i will go back to chatrooming when im ready. and show my old friends in chatroom 2 what they missed out on. what they missing out on. by choosiong suz over me.
enjoy your stay and thankyou chatguide for bringing more people . it makes me feel like my long post i wrote was all worth it.
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