Virgin Media, is from tomorrow, going to start mailing its customers who download and upload, excessively. We have been told that they are in the process of writing to those high usage broadband customers who are downloading and / or uploading huge amounts, which Virgin Media claim can have an overall impact on the broadband experience for all their customers.
Last month Virgin Media was trialling in several locations, new measures to traffic shape its heavy broadband users. We also raised concerns that Virgin Media was still advertising its broadband service as a ‘No download limits’ product. In the letter Virgin Media are still claiming customers can download lots and they aren’t limiting downloads. Virgin Media are clearly missing the point.
The point is that they are advertising a certain speed, customers are paying for that level of speed. So if a customer downloads over a limit or threshold, their speed is reduced. Which ever way you look at it, it is a download limit. A no download limit service dictates that there are no limits or no thresholds whatsoever.

Virgin Media just got more limiting on the “unlimited” packages it offers, what a disgrace these cowboys are.