@Bad Manners wrote:
Never miss an opportunity do you Bat? :roll:
I agree with their reasons for not returning to Portugal.
No I sure don,t BM. :lol:
Well you may understand their reasons but I sure as hell don,t. This is their DAUGHTER. They said, many a time that they would leave no stone unturned, and basically do everything in their power, including meets with pope, to find Maddie and being her home. So why won,t they take part in this reconstruction, what,s the big problem? They said it won,t achieve anything. Ermmmm, surely it,s worth a try just to see if it jogs someones memory and they remember some vital piece of information? Makes you wonder what they have to hide doesn,t it? They won,t answer questions and they wont take part in a reconstruction that could help find their daughter. Seems iffy to me.