Leonard Cohen has died. No doubt he’s joined Robert Graves, that other lecher, in a Moslem Heaven surrounded by a bevy of virgins and beautiful back-up singers.
I did not like Hallelujah or most of his songs. Too much romantic hack, and ‘look at me crying, girls, I need your love’.
But I did like his first album – the one with Suzanne and Travelling Lady.
His best song for me was The Stranger Song, about a woman whos’ lookng for love and meets only guys who are a waste of space – “Please understand, I never had a secret chart to get me to the heart of this or any other matter”, he says to her as she catches him leaving without saying goodbye. He promises he’ll meet her o a bridge tomrrow as it flowes over some endless river and then her heartbreaking reponse – “yeah, the bridge, or some place (pause) later”..