Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › London Mayoral Elections … The (lunatic) fringe candidates
28 April, 2008 at 1:40 pm #10070
This year’s Mayoral election seems to be developing into a strictly 2 horse race. Either “Bonkers” Boris Johnson or “Red Ken” Livingstone will win.
But what about the less well known candidates – the lunatic fringe if you will. They stand for election ….. the votes are cast …. and then they sink back into the obscurity from whence they came.
This offends my sense of fairness and so I thought I’d take the piss out of a few of them (and what passes for their rag bag assortment of policies) so at least they get a fair crack of the whip – as it were.
So, in the order in which they appear in my Candidates Guide, I give you the following collection of the misguided; the mistaken; and the misused.
28 April, 2008 at 1:56 pm #332381Richard “Barmy ” Barnbrook ….. The British National Party. (BNP)
“Barmy” Dick is the only mayoral candidate (of 10 in total) who is also standing for election as a London Assembly London-Wide Member. Clearly recognises that he has no hope at all of getting many votes as Mayor but seems to be desperate to get onto the Assembly one way or the other then.
Current odds of him winning anything at all – 500:1 outsider.
He wants to “put London first” – whatever THAT means. HE says it means “House British people first” …. “Stop immigration” ….. British jobs for British workers” ….”Build a better NHS” … and so on (all directly quoted from his election manifesto).
Right at the bottom of his wish list comes > “Scrap the congestion charge” which is the only policy he puts forward that affects London alone – all the other “policies” affect the country as a whole, as well as London.
Also the ONLY candidate to insert testimonials from three of his supporters:
Lorraine Henry a housewife. (She’s voting BNP because she’s terrified about her children’s future).
Ken Seager a builder. (He’s voting BNP because he wants to ‘celebrate’ Christian festivals like St George’s Day – since when was THAT a Christian festival??? ‘Nuff said).
Samantha Winter a student (She’s voting BNP because, as she says, she’s Irish – ‘Nuff said).
“Barmy” Dick’s campaign strapline:
“Because it’s not racist to oppose immigration …. it’s commonsense.”
28 April, 2008 at 2:16 pm #332382Lindsey German – The Left List
“How can we afford to survive in London?” THAT is the question many Londoners are asking themselves…… says the scraggy leftist Ms German in her opening sentence.
Having posed this soul searching question … she promptly avoids providing us with an answer, but instead launches into a Marxist diatribe the like of which became unfashionable in the late 1960’s.
She will DEMAND that New Labour stop the ‘failed’ war in Iraq immediately and instead spend all the billions of pounds saved “for the benefit of ALL Britain’s working people.” – THAT will help Londoners then won’t it?
But then she is a leading figure in the anti-war movement (a sort of dance???) so she would say this wouldn’t she?
The rich use London as their playground so her solution is to impose a tax on all City ‘fat cat’ bonuses and re-distribute the money to the poor and needy. (Translation: Tax the rich and give enhanced hand-outs to all her mates).
She’s also going to “stop big business putting profit before the planet” …. but quite how this will be achieved remains something of a mystery – even to her.
Lindsey German (who is NOT related to Dave Spart or to Karl Marx either) has been central to the mass demonstration (only one then???) against the war in Iraq and is a leading Left wing agitator. She can always be counted on to throw the first brick ….. in any new house building programme of course!!!
She is a socialist (with a small “s” you note) and has a lifelong committment to women’s liberation – she probably burnt her bra in the early 1960’s and hasn’t worn one since.
Claim to fame: In 2004 she beat the Greens and the BNP and “came within 0.43% of a seat on the London Assembly” Oh so she didn’t actually get one then. Never mind – better luck this time. :lol: :lol: :lol:
28 April, 2008 at 2:50 pm #332383Sian Berry – The Green Party.
Ax you’d expect, the entire page of her ‘mission to save the planet’ statement is covered in green ink. A particualrly insipid green and reminiscent of old vomit after a vegetarian party.
Sian herself poses with a winsome smile against a background of trees and grass – very ”green” indeed.
Her policies ???:
“Free insulation for every home that needs it.” (Who pays for this ??? They don’t know and they don’t care either – just as long as the planet is saved).
“Cut all bus and off-peak fares by 20 pence.” (Yes – that will definitely save the planet).
“Change planning rules to ensure that at least 60% of housing is affordable.” (What rubbish – planning rules don’t dictate the market price of housing and what does ”affordable” mean??? Affordable to who??? Not her Green mates surely???).
“Affordable premises for small shops in new commercial developments.” (There’s that undefined ‘affordable’ word again).
“Solar electricity and heating on 100,000 roofs by 2015.” ( Why 2015??? The next election is in 4 years time so how about a silly unmeasurable target for then?).
“A 20 mph city-wide speed limit …. throughout London” (THAT is a winner – if you can get above 15mph on average across London you are doing really well).
Her claim to fame???
Sian “Green” Berry is the founder of the Alliance Against Urban 4×4’s and is staunchly opposed to “gas guzzlers” …. that means family saloon cars to you and me.She is also a ”patron” of the Fair Pay Network (whatever that might be) and works to abolish poverty wages (but presumably not in India and the Far East where they really do earn poverty wages).
Her campaign strapline:
“Change London for Good” (they didn’t mention hugging trees once BTW).
28 April, 2008 at 3:20 pm #332384Brian “The Gay Policeman” Paddick – The Liberal Democrat Party
Yes Brian the bender is lots of Pad and even more Dick – but who’s counting when there’s a handsome poofter in uniform eh? He’s guaranteed to get the pink vote if nothing else.
His major policies???
“Brian is fighting (who??? he doesn’t tell us) to stop the closure of smaller police stations across the capital.” (But hang on a moment …. isn’t this the same ex-Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick – Metropolitan Police who when he was a very senior serving police officer was involved with and supported this same decision???? Surely it couldn’t possibly be ….. could it???)
“Brian is passionate (so he says !!!) about protecting London’s precious environment for future generations of Londoners.” (Fine flown words … but what the heck do they actually mean??? The usual hot air and empty meaningless phrases that are incapable of being translated into …. well anything really).
“Londoners are paying some of the highest transport fares in the world, often for poor service. Brian will bring forward a costed plan to bring London’s transport into ther 21st Century.”
(So he’s not actually going to do anything substantial or specific then – simply “bring forward a costed plan”. That WILL make a difference eh? Oh I nearly forgot – yoo hoo Liberals – we’re in the 21st Century already – bit late to think about just planning to bring our transport into it now isn’t it? You should have done this 20 years ago).Al the rest of his so-called ”policies” are a wish list of aspirations, characterised by vague and undefined phrases such as – “New technolody will be introduced…” … yes but WHAT??? WHEN??? HOW MUCH ???? WHERE ???? and so on.
Brian’s claim to fame?
He was the most senior openly Gay police officer in London – and he didn’t mention public lavatories once in his manifesto – amazingly.
He also wants to “make London into one of the greenest capitals in the world” (including Hampstead Heath no doubt).
28 April, 2008 at 3:41 pm #332385Alan Craig – The Christian Choice Candidate
Oh My God … he might have said – but he didn’t …. not even once. Hmmmmm, loss of potential Bible basher votes there Alan eh?
Ah ha … bit I HAVE spotted a hidden little nasty on his manifesto statement. This cheeky bugger wants to make money out of us doesn’t he???
“To show your support for Alan Craig and The Christian Choice please TEXT **** to *****”
And there it is, lurking away at the very bottom in really small print “Texts will cost you 25p plus the cost of one text at your normal tarriff rate”.
Well you’re not fooling us you bible bashing bad boy with you money grabbing ways .. oh no ! We’ve spotted your little game!!!
His claim to fame:
Alan was educated at University and Business School ….. well we’ve all figured THAT one out now Alan, thank you very much.
Campaign strapline:
“The leader is one who serves” Luke 22:26
BTW: You can’t trust these bible bashers an inch can you? The REAL quote from Luke 22:26 is as follows:
“But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest amongst you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.”
Not really the same thing is it Alan? …. but then why spoil a good quasi-religious mis-quote with the real thing huh?
28 April, 2008 at 3:59 pm #332386Matt O’Connor – The English Democrats
Matt O’Connor – a fine ”English” name eh??? Nothing Irish about him then is there???
This is a candidate for the Mayor of LONDON who’s main aim is to establish an “English Parliament” and wants to put “England first”. This is all very well ….. but what’s that got to do with the Mayor of London ffs???
His manifesto is one long whinge about the unfairness of the national taxation system and how the Scots benefit from it out of all proportion. (“£13.5 billion of YOUR money bank-rolls Scotland every single year”) Fine ….. but what about LONDON then Matt??? I presume tbat you do know where it is eh???
Here’s a little gem: “England has been abandoned by her ruling classes, and so too, has her legacy. I believe that at least one candidate standing for Mayor should be standing for you, not Scotland”.
Well Matt, us Londoners aren’t going to stand for it; and we’re not standing for you either.
His strapline:
“We are not left or right, just English”
Oh and just spotted in the small print – another money grabbing wannabe politico.
You can call Matt on 09070-****** – call cost £1.50 per minute.
HOW MUCH ????? Yeah right …. we’re all going to spend loads-a-money listening to your crap aren’t we?
28 April, 2008 at 5:14 pm #332387I don’t see how they are any more ‘lunatic’ than the two you didn’t feature; but yes, it certainly is a catchier phrase than ‘ non-mainstream ‘.
29 April, 2008 at 9:37 am #332388Chances are that they are NOT any more lunatic. However the two main candidates are getting ALL the publicity and so on, and Londoners (and others) have little idea who else is standing and what their assorted rag bag of policies are. My somewhat ironic (and even downright sarcastic) summary is an attempt to correct this.
There is one thing about the Mayoral election that is quite fascinating. Both the front runners (Bonkers Boris and Red Ken) will undoubtedly not gain sufficient first preference votes so as to enable one of them to win outright.
The winner will in all probability be decided by the second preference votes cast by those whose first preference is somebody other than Bonkers or Red Ken.
So if you vote for Bonkers Boris or Red Ken, your second preference vote will be totally irrelevant. However, if you vote as your first preference for a ‘no hoper’ candidate, you will probably be electing the Mayor of London with your second preference vote.
29 April, 2008 at 11:37 pm #332389STOP PRESS ……….. SHOCK HORROR !!!
I’ve just noticed that Matt O’Connor, the Irishman representing the English Democrats, has withdrawn from the race to become London’s next Mayor.
What can this mean. Is he a regular reader of the JustChat mesage boards? Can my rather cruel and ironic expose have finally persuaded him to retire?
Maybe those bastard Scots have had a hand in this and nobbled him?
Still, look on the bright side, he still loses his deposit. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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