Boards Index Chat rooms – the forum communities Chat forum three boards 2 months today it's Christmassssssssssssssss !!

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  • #1004782

    I really can’t believe how fast this year has flown by.

    How’s everyone doing with the plans for the day?  I’m well organised this year most gifts bought some even wrapped !!

    We’re going continental this year & having our main Christmas Dinner on Christmas eve night with friends. Leaving the day for chilling out & actually enjoying instead of slaving in the kitchen.

    Happy days :-D



    Had to be done.


    I really can’t believe how fast this year has flown by. How’s everyone doing with the plans for the day? I’m well organised this year most gifts bought some even wrapped !!

    Plans?! Presents wrapped?!

    I don’t even know what I’m doing this weekend let alone on Christmas day. As for wrapping presents, I thought everyone did that on Christmas eve?!



    Typical blokes …. :negative:



    did you guys know Christmas eve is on a Friday this year hope its not the 13th


    Well, Milky, the Good Fairy from the Wizard of Oz has arrived, waved her magic wand, and more than granted your wish.

    Not only is it not going to be Friday the 13th, but Christmas Eve has been shifted to a Saturday.

    There, fortune shines on the brave.


    Bet its on the 24th again


    guys I rember seeing arnie swarzenneger at Gatwick airport last xmas eve is xmas your fave festival I asked?nah he said ithastobeeaster baby


    I really can’t believe how fast this year has flown by. How’s everyone doing with the plans for the day? I’m well organised this year most gifts bought some even wrapped !! We’re going continental this year & having our main Christmas Dinner on Christmas eve night with friends. Leaving the day for chilling out & actually enjoying instead of slaving in the kitchen. Happy days :-D


    This year…… it’s all going to be very different! No stress as I’m going to be super organised!

    I’m going to buy far fewer presents as I simply hate wrapping them (I’ve got a congenital defect when it comes to folding anything)!

    I’m going to  be the first to send Christmas cards too, you just watch me !

    I’ll spend the same amount of money but will take longer choosing what to buy instead of thinking about quantity over quality.

    Naturally I will have supreme control over cooking the Christmas dinner  and when I have to watch my granddaughters other Nana squeeze Tomato ketchup on her turkey I’ll bite my tongue and remember I don’t have to see her for at least  another year!

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