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  • #1003093

    Did Mike Hook em???


    What a disgrace to Britain!

    No wonder the Europeans are flabbergasted at the UK’s decision to put itself on the Royal Road to Bu**ery.

    The liars and brutal characters who sometimes appear on these boards (among a lot of good people) take their inspiration from these people.



    et al


    Did Mike Hook em??? What a disgrace to Britain! No wonder the Europeans are flabbergasted at the UK’s decision to put itself on the Royal Road to Bu**ery. The liars and brutal characters who sometimes appear on these boards (among a lot of good people) take their inspiration from these people.

    I didn’t realise voting out would mean we all had to go to a bummery  :-(


    Well now you know, Reason (sic) – read the papers, lad..I rely on them, because I don’t know much without them (or the books I read, or even sometimes the web.


    and good parallels, Pete, though I don’t thin those bruisers were fighting their own potential leaders..


    Steve Woolfe is the answer. he was standing for UKIP leader when he says the aptly named Mike Hookem floored him. well, somebody did, so I beleive him unless we have some of the characters on this board sending mails to Brussels claiming it was Corbyn


    Mr Woolfe has just today resigned from UKIP, describing it as on the spiral of death.


    Spiral of death …that’s just life isn’t it  :-(


    No Pete, that is the UKIP, according to Steve Woolfe.





    well my reply is absolutely disgusted ,grown men and women brawling in the street,on a day out,where do they think they are ..blackpool


    oh there politicians,oh well that’s alright then innit.




    One of the fakest, staged pictures ever and which is even more hilarious judging by the irrational hysteria that accompanies it.

    Supposedly lost consciousness immediately and fell injuring his nose, which then bled profusely, no visible blood and both his arms are raised above his head/at the side dramatically, which of course would be impossible. His mac/raincoat was being carried on the same arm as he was carrying his briefcase, yet somehow is flattened out perfectly underneath that arm and he is still tightly grasping the suitcase, even though his muscles would have relaxed as he fell, an automatic bodily response that stops further injury.


    No CCTV has emerged, other than that one still picture from that one CCTV camera.


    Funny as hell, fake as fcuk and we know that the tories want him to jump ship…





    briefcase of course not suitcase.






    brilliant post shr thumb up sir ,,in fact doffs cap and tugs forelock,no patronizing just thought it was an innovative reply,and if martin stopped all this 250£ a year bollox to be a member of this gaff

    he might  just might find a lot more ppl might use the site

    doa reckons its not martins fault,itshis missuses fault,come on mart we need a new main sail for our yacht

    charge the minion peasants to the hilt

    but that’s what doa says..not me.

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